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Zero Tolerance

At the MacMillan Surgery, the directive is that at no time will any violent, threatening, or abusive behaviour be tolerated towards staff, patients, or visitors.

All members of our team aim to be helpful and polite with all our patients to help with their enquiries. It is a high priority of ours to maintain a good relationship and give high-quality care and service.

We wish our practice to be a safe place for our patients, visitors, and staff, and we ask for your full co-operation in achieving this. The staff are at times working under extreme pressure, the reasons for which may not always be apparent, and we ask that you are considerate of this.

The NHS operates a Zero Tolerance policy regarding violence and abuse. All members of staff have a right to care for others without fear of being abused. If patients are found to be violent or abusive to our staff members, we have the right to remove them from our practice list with immediate effect to safeguard our staff and patients. In extreme cases we will contact the police.

The practice will not tolerate:

  • Using bad language, shouting, or raising of voices at practice staff.
  • Any physical violence towards any member of our team or other patients.
  • Verbal abuse towards staff or patients in any form including shouting.
  • Racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic or other intolerant Language, discrimination or sexual harassment will never be tolerated.
  • Persistent or unrealistic demands that cause stress to staff will not be accepted. Requests will be met wherever possible, and explanations given when they cannot be met.
  • Being perceived to bully or manipulate a staff member to obtain something.
  • Causing damage to or stealing practice equipment from the practice’s premises or staff.
  • Obtaining drugs and/or medical services fraudulently.