At the MacMillan Surgery we welcome all feedback from patients. We currently have Patient Participation Group (PPG) running at the practice and always keen for new members.
We hold these group sessions once a month for approximately 1 to 2 hours, if you would like to join our practice PPG, please click this link or ring the surgery and inform a member of the team.
All these sessions are face-to-face and based at the practice. If you are signed up as a member of the PPG, you will receive an invite every month.
The aim of these sessions is:
- To discuss feedback and be the voice for the patients.
- To give patients and staff the opportunity to meet and discuss topics.
- Support our practice with new and upcoming developments and trials.
- To find out more about the NHS.
Please be aware the PPG is not a forum for individual complaint. All discussions will be under patient confidentiality, and we would encourage you to be open and honest as your suggestions matter.